# Error: module 'distutils' has no attribute 'version' Fix: Downgrade your version of setuptools to 58.2 #CUDA out of memory First: This may be a situation where another process is running on the GPU. Some commands to monitor this include: - nvidia-smi this will tell you what processes are running on the card,how much GPU is being used, etc. Note that the CUDA version it lists is not necessarily the version of CUDA you're running.The version it displays is just the highest version it supports. - ps aux|grep {PID NUMBER} or {USERNAME} this will show what you're running or at least give you a better idea of what's going on. Passing in username will list information about all processes running under the given username. - top this will show a table with PID, CPU usage, and various other useful pieces of information. shift+h shows threads, c expands the command column, q is to exit Second: If there has been a recent patch it's possible CUDA was 'broken': - module list This will list the modules that are currently loaded. If CUDA isn't listed: - module avail This will list the available modules - module load {CUDA module} This will load in the CUDA module.