-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Create EDH Evaluation Environment * * Start: 06/08/2023, 11:21:56 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (11:42:33): Create EDH Evaluation Environment finished with Elapsed Time: 00:20:37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Geodatabase Checks * * Start: 06/08/2023, 11:42:35 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----ERROR (11:42:38): Template GDB may be missing from EDH Evaluation Environment. Stack Trace: list index out of range -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Flow Check - D8, Depth, DInf * * Start: 06/09/2023, 12:20:10 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * A2 Prechecks * * Start: 06/13/2023, 08:42:11 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (08:42:11): Start A2 Prechecks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Topology Checks * * Start: 06/13/2023, 08:42:11 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (08:44:06): 0 topology errors found in EDH_Lines. -----INFO (08:44:11): 0 topology errors found in EDH_Points. -----INFO (08:44:16): 0 topology errors found in EDH_Polygons. -----INFO (08:44:16): Topology Checks finished with Elapsed Time: 00:02:05 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Eval 2 - Match NHD Streams to EDH Counterparts * * Start: 06/13/2023, 08:44:19 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (08:45:40): NHD FTypes not checked for matches: ['None', 'None', 'None'] -----INFO (08:45:40): Unmatched NHDFlowlines by FType: Unmatched Total Percent_Unmatched FType 336 1 11 9.09 460 755 7995 9.44 558 0 359 0.00 -----INFO (08:45:40): # NHD/EDH Matching Report 2023-06-13 08:45:40.674000 Search radius: 50 meters Minimum NHD vertex count: 3 Total NHDFlowlines 8365 Total NHDFlowlines either matched or not checked: 7609 Total unmatched NHDFlowlines: 756 Matched percentage: 90.96% Unmatched percentage 9.04% See outputs: Fields in NHDFlowline: EDH_LineIDs, MatchFlag Unmatched NHDFlowlines in feature class Eval2_Unmatched_NHDFlowlines -----INFO (08:45:40): Eval 2 - Match NHD Streams to EDH Counterparts with Elapsed Time: 00:01:21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * PointCheckNHD * * Start: 06/13/2023, 08:45:40 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (08:46:06): Eval2b_MissingPointsNHD created with 0 features Number of Sink / Rise Points: 0 Number of Dam / Weir Points: 0 -----INFO (08:46:06): PointCheckNHD ran successfully with Elapsed Time: 00:00:25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Eval4_StraightSegments * * Start: 06/13/2023, 08:46:06 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Detect Straight Segments * * Start: 06/13/2023, 08:46:20 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (08:46:53): # Detect Straight Segments Results ## Configuration - Segment length threshold: 100.0 meters - Number of lines checked: 30138 - Lines with the following FCodes were not checked for straight segments: ['Connector', 'Culvert', 'Non-NHD Dataset Connector', 'Canal/ditch', 'Dam/weir', 'Pipeline', 'Artificial Path'] ## Straight Segments by Length - Greater than 100.0 meters: 19 - Greater than 200.0 meters: 3 - Greater than 300.0 meters: 1 ## Straight Segments by Line - 19 lines have straight segments / 30138 lines checked = 0.06 percent error -----INFO (08:47:22): Eval 4 - Straight Segments ran successfully with Elapsed Time: 00:01:15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Eval 5 - Flag Near Vertices * * Start: 06/13/2023, 08:47:22 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (08:56:41): EDH PROXIMATE VERTEX REPORT 2023-06-13 08:56:40.004000 -----INFO (08:56:41): SEARCH RADIUS: 1.5 METERS -----INFO (08:56:41): VERTICES THAT ARE TOO CLOSE: 0 -----INFO (08:56:41): PERCENTAGE OF EDH LINES WITH VERTICES THAT ARE TOO CLOSE: 0 -----INFO (08:56:41): SEE: H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Evaluation.gdb\Eval5_LineVertsTooClose -----INFO (08:56:41): SEE: H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Evaluation.gdb\EDH_Lines -----INFO (08:56:41): FIELD: VertsTooClose -----INFO (08:56:41): Eval 5 - Flag Near Vertices ran successfully with Elapsed Time: 00:09:19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Eval 6 - Unintegrated and Floating Vertices * * Start: 06/13/2023, 08:56:41 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (09:20:29): -------------------------- Unintegrated Vertex Report 2023-06-13 09:20:11.973000 -------------------------- Unintegrated Vertex Vertical Threshold = 1 meters ## Statistics - Unintegrated Vertices Count = 126592 ### Stats for all line features - EDH Lines with at least one unintegrated vertex = 21921 - Percent of EDH Lines with unintegrated vertices = 63.09% ### Stats excluding FCodes that may be unintegrated Query: FCode NOT IN (33400,33401,33405,33410,42002) - EDH Lines matching query with a least one unintegrated vertex = 19430 - Percent of EDH Lines matching query with unintegrated vertices = 61.69% ## Outputs EDH_Lines Attributes: - Count of unintegrated vertices per line: CntZBelow - Maximum unintegrated vertex depth below raster surface per line: MaxZBelow Error Feature Classes: - Unintegrated Vertices: H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Evaluation.gdb\Eval6_VertsBelowSurface - EDH_Lines with at least one unintegrated vertex: H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Evaluation.gdb\Eval6_LinesWithVertsBelow -----INFO (09:20:29): ---------------------- Floating Vertex Report 2023-06-13 09:20:11.973000 ---------------------- Floating Vertex Height Threshold = 0.001 meters ## Statistics - Floating Vertices Count = 853064 - EDH Lines with at least one floating vertex = 33257 - Percent of EDH Lines with floating vertices = 95.71% ## Outputs EDH_Line Attributes: - Count of floating vertices per line: CntZAbove - Maximum height above raster surface per line: MaxZAbove Error Feature Classes: - Floating vertices: H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Evaluation.gdb\Eval6_VertsAboveSurface - EDH Lines with floating vertices: H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Evaluation.gdb\Eval6_LinesWithVertsAbove -----INFO (09:20:29): Eval 6 - Unintegrated and Floating Vertices ran successfully with Elapsed Time: 00:23:47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Eval 7 - EDH Streams Initiating Near Roads * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:20:29 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (09:21:48): _________________________________________________________________________________ -----INFO (09:21:48): HEADWATER PROXIMITY TO ROAD REPORT 2023-06-13 09:21:47.911000 -----INFO (09:21:48): SEARCH RADIUS: 30 METERS -----INFO (09:21:48): EDH FLOWLINES NEAR ROADS: 424 -----INFO (09:21:48): SEE: H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Evaluation.gdb\EDH_Lines -----INFO (09:21:48): FIELD: HwProximityToRoad -----INFO (09:21:48): Eval 7 - EDH Streams Initiating Near Roads ran successfully with Elapsed Time: 00:01:19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Eval 9 - Slope Stream Values * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:21:48 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (09:33:08): No Null Values for SegMeanSlope detected, Slope values added to all EDH Lines. -----INFO (09:33:08): Eval 9 - Slope Stream Values ran successfully with Elapsed Time: 00:11:19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * QC1_Bad_APs_and_Streams_in_Poly * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:33:09 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (09:35:13): QC1_AP_outside_polys Created with 91 features QC1_Lines_in_polys Created with 0 features -----INFO (09:35:13): QC1_Bad_APs_and_Streams_in_Poly finished with Elapsed Time: 00:02:03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * QC2 Overlap Of Islands * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:35:15 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (09:36:01): QC2_Islands Created with 138 features -----INFO (09:36:01): QC2_Islands_with_Lines Created with 0 features -----INFO (09:36:01): QC2 Overlap Of Islands finished with Elapsed Time: 00:00:48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * QC3 - Make Density By HU12 * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:36:01 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (09:38:28): QC3_WBD Created with 9 features -----INFO (09:38:28): QC3 - Make Density By HU12 finished with Elapsed Time: 00:02:26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * QC4 - AP QA/QC * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:38:31 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (09:39:12): QC4a_AP_areas_too_close Created with 387 features in tempGDBQC4.gdb -----INFO (09:41:02): QC4b_AP_Too_Close_all Created with 475 features -----INFO (09:41:02): QC4b_AP_Too_close_1000m_long Created with 0 features -----INFO (09:41:13): QC4c_AP_Too_Close_Islands Created with 101 features -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * QC7 - Omitted Waterbodies * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:41:14 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----ERROR (09:41:19): Error at Omitted Waterbodies. Exception "H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Evaluation.gdb\Breaklines" does not exist -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Build Network and Trace * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:41:33 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (09:41:56): Build Network and Trace results - 1 isolated network features - The largest number of features traced from a single network end: - Node 1034732: 34746 traced / 34746 features = 100.0 percent traced -----INFO (09:48:55): Build Network and Trace ran successfully with Elapsed Time: 0:07:22.652381 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Valency * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:49:15 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Valency * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:49:19 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (09:49:35): Valency results - 0 junctions have a valency greater than 3 - 0 lines are connected to these junctions / 34746 lines = 0.0% error -----INFO (09:49:36): Valency analysis complete with Elapsed Time: 00:00:20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * FCodeChecks * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:49:36 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * FCodeChecks - Attributes and Network Relationships * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:49:43 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (09:50:18): Point Schema Mismatch Errors: 0 Errors / 1 Features = 0.0 Percent Error -----WARNING (09:50:18): Point contains 1 User-defined features (FCode = 0) -----INFO (09:50:48): Line Schema Mismatch Errors: 10 Errors / 34746 Features = 0.03 Percent Error -----INFO (09:50:49): Polygon Schema Mismatch Errors: 26 Errors / 216 Features = 12.04 Percent Error -----INFO (09:50:49): Line FCode Network Errors: 0 Errors / 34746 Line Features = 0.0 Percent Error Network Errors by FCode: Name Errors FeatureCount PercentError FCode 33400 Connector 0 1 0.0 33401 Culvert 0 3190 0.0 33404 Indefinite Surface Connector 0 125 0.0 33405 Terrain Breach 0 58 0.0 46000 Stream/river 0 29955 0.0 55800 Artificial Path 0 1417 0.0 -----INFO (09:50:49): Script completed successfully. Error shapefiles and updated original datasets are in H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Evaluation_Files\FCodeChecks -----INFO (09:50:50): N3- FCode Checks finish with Elapsed Time: 00:01:13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Monotonicity * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:50:53 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (09:51:06): Monotonicity Check Results - 10 non-monotonic lines / 34746 lines = 0.03% error - 363 non-monotonic vertices / 2191238 vertices = 0.02% error -----INFO (09:51:06): Monotonicity finished with Elapsed Time: 0:00:13.337860 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Find Profiles Offset from Channels * * Start: 06/13/2023, 09:51:12 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (09:51:12): Vertical threshold value: 0.5 -----INFO (09:51:26): Running SAGA Cross Profiles with the following parameters: ta_profiles 3 -DEM="H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Evaluation_Files\DEM.tif" -LINES="H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Assessment_TempDir\Profiles\EDH_Lines.shp" -PROFILES="H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Assessment_TempDir\Profiles\Profiles.shp" -DIST_LINE=20.0 -DIST_PROFILE=20.0 -NUM_PROFILE=5 -INTERPOLATION=0 -OUTPUT=2 -----INFO (10:03:19): 45955 offset profiles / 273799 total profiles = 16.78 percent error -----INFO (10:03:19): 17893 EDH lines with offset profiles / 34746 total lines = 51.5 percent error -----INFO (10:03:19): 17600 non-AP EDH lines with 1+ offset profiles / 33329 total non-AP lines = 52.81 percent error -----INFO (10:03:19): 9977 non-AP EDH lines with 2+ offset profiles / 33329 total non-AP lines = 29.93 percent error -----INFO (10:03:19): P1 and P2 analysis completed successfully. Outputs in H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Evaluation.gdb -----INFO (10:03:19): Find Profiles Offset from Channels finished with Elapsed Time: 00:12:06 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * XYZ Lake Boundaries * * Start: 06/13/2023, 10:03:20 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----ERROR (10:03:23): Failed to complete XYZ LakeBoundaries. H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Evaluation.gdb\Breaklines featureclass not exist. Use 'Import Optional Data' Tool to Add Breaklines. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * XYZ Intersection Tool * * Start: 06/13/2023, 10:03:23 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INFO (10:03:42): Line Start and End Nodes Created -----INFO (10:03:46): Found Outlets -----INFO (10:03:52): Found Headwaters -----INFO (10:04:08): Outlets and Headwaters Removed from Start and End Points -----INFO (10:04:12): Error Flag Field Created -----INFO (10:05:47): Near3D Analysis of Start Points Complete -----INFO (10:05:50): Start Point XYZ Errors Flagged -----INFO (10:07:28): End Point XYZ Errors Flagged -----INFO (10:07:37): XYZ Error Output Created -----INFO (10:07:41): XYZ2_Intersection_Errors is Copied to the Main GDB -----INFO (10:07:42): 0 Points Found in Error Out of A Total of 55774 Points Percent Error: 0.00% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * G2-Segments Out of Channel * * Start: 06/13/2023, 11:24:33 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (06/13/2023-11:35:46)-----INFO: The Count of PctOut Lines >= 25: 5393 (06/13/2023-11:35:46)-----INFO: The Count of PctOut Lines >= 40: 2232 (06/13/2023-11:35:46)-----INFO: The Mean of PctOut: 11.49 (06/13/2023-11:35:46)-----INFO: G2 Complete (06/13/2023-11:35:46)-----INFO: G2-Segments Out of Channel finished with Total Elapsed Time: 0:11:13.284853 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * G3 - Connectors in Channel * * Start: 06/13/2023, 16:08:57 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (06/13/2023-16:26:07)-----INFO: Number of features in DW_ISC_withchannel: 0 These features are EDH Lines Drainageways and Indefinite Surface Connectors that are returned based on how much of their length intersects GMI values >= 2. They are returned either if <= 60 percent of their length is outside of GMI (PctOutDW field) or if >= 100 meters of their length is inside of GMI (DWLenInChannel field). Results here: H:\Research\Working\Terziotti\WA_TestTools\Test0801\EDH_Evaluation.gdb\DW_ISC_withchannel (06/13/2023-16:26:07)-----INFO: G3 Complete. (06/13/2023-16:26:07)-----INFO: G3 - Connectors in Channel finished with Total Elapsed Time: 0:17:10.35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Geodatabase Checks * * Start: 06/21/2023, 15:23:54 * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----ERROR (15:24:00): Template GDB may be missing from EDH Evaluation Environment. Stack Trace: list index out of range