LasQC Summary stats ================================================== Las Version(s): The version of LAS files with a count for each found. Versions ------- Count 1: 1.4 21 -------------------------------------------------- Point Data Record Formats: The point data record format of each file with a count of each occurrence. Format ------- Count 1: 6 21 -------------------------------------------------- GPS Time Type Bit is Set: True/false if the GPS time bit has been added to the global encoding flag within the public header block with a count of each occurrence. Flag ------- Count 1: True 21 2: False 0 -------------------------------------------------- Well Known Text Bit Set: True/false if the WKT bit has been added to the global encoding flag within the public header block with a count of each occurrence. Flag ------- Count 1: True 21 -------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Projected Coordinate Reference System: Lists the horizontal projected coordinate reference system with a count for each occurrence. 1 different SRS found. Spatial References ----------------------------------- Count 1: NAD83(2011) / Alaska zone 2 (ftUS) : 21 -------------------------------------------------- Vertical Coordinate Reference System: Lists the vertical coordinate reference system with a count for each occurrence. 1 different vSRS found. Vertical Spatial References ----------------------------------- Count 1: NAVD88 height (ftUS) - Geoid12B (survey feet) : 21 -------------------------------------------------- Well Known Text Count: WKT string found in file header information with a count for each found. 1 different WKTs found. WKT ---------------------------------------------- Count 1: COMPD_CS["NAD83(2011) / Alaska zone 2 (ftUS) + NAVD88 height (ftUS) - Geoid12B (survey feet)", PROJCS["NAD83(2011) / Alaska zone 2 (ftUS)", GEOGCS["NAD83(2011)", DATUM["NAD83 (National Spatial Reference System 2011)", SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","1116"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6318"]], PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",54], PARAMETER["central_meridian",-142], PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9999], PARAMETER["false_easting",1640416.66666667], PARAMETER["false_northing",0], UNIT["US survey foot",0.3048006096012192, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9003"]], AXIS["X",EAST], AXIS["Y",NORTH]], VERT_CS["NAVD88 height (ftUS) - Geoid12B (survey feet)", VERT_DATUM["North American Vertical Datum 1988",2005, AUTHORITY["EPSG","5103"]], UNIT["US survey foot",0.3048006096012192, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9003"]], AXIS["Up",UP], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6360"]]]: 21 SRS will transform to NAD83 and is well formed. --OGC 2001-- -------------------------------------------------- Generating Software: Name of the software, used by the contractor, to generate LAS files and a count for each used. Software -------------------------- Count 1: LasMonkey 2.4.0 21 -------------------------------------------------- System ID: Output of what is populated in the header information for system identifier. System ID ------- Count 1: Quantum Spatial 21 -------------------------------------------------- Point Data Records Referenced in Public Header Block Matches a Count of Point Data Records: A true/false output and file count for occurrences of matching information between the data and its header block. Matches ----- Count 1: True 21 -------------------------------------------------- XYZ Attributes of Header Match XYZ Attributes of LAS file: True/false output with a count of each occurrence of matching information between the data and it’s header block. True: 21 False: 0 -------------------------------------------------- Return count in the file agrees/disagrees with returns in the header information: File count indicating if return counts agrees/disagrees. Ret count agrees: 21 Ret count disagrees: 0 -------------------------------------------------- Scan Angle Rank Min/Max: Minimum and maximum scan angle rank found throughout the dataset are given below: Min Scan Angle Rank: -16 Max Scan Angle Rank: 16 -------------------------------------------------- Intensity Min/Max: An integer representation of the pulse return magnitude given in the minimum and maximum values found across the dataset. Min Intensity: 0 Max Intensity: 65535 -------------------------------------------------- GPS Time Min/Max: The overall minimum and maximum GPS tile values found across dataset and represented in a readable format. Min GPS Time: Fri Jul 20 21:44:32 2018 Max GPS Time: Fri Jul 20 22:48:35 2018 -------------------------------------------------- All Legacy Fields Are Set to Zero in 1.4 Files: A boolean representation if point records are set to zero in all 1.4 LAS files with a count of legacy points. True: 0 -------------------------------------------------- Classification values used: A list of all classifications used across the dataset. (1) Unclassified (2) Ground (3) Low Vegetation (4) Medium Vegetation (5) High Vegetation (6) Building (7) Low Point (noise) (9) Water (20) Could not get Classification Value (21) Could not get Classification Value -------------------------------------------------- File Manifest: A list of all files used across to generate this report. File Number ----- Filename ----- Last Modification Time 0 ----- NSB2_049.las ----- Wed May 1 10:50:40 2019 1 ----- NSB2_050.las ----- Wed May 1 10:50:45 2019 2 ----- NSB2_051.las ----- Wed May 1 10:50:48 2019 3 ----- NSB2_061.las ----- Wed May 1 10:51:12 2019 4 ----- NSB2_062.las ----- Wed May 1 10:51:16 2019 5 ----- NSB2_063.las ----- Wed May 1 10:51:20 2019 6 ----- NSB2_064.las ----- Wed May 1 10:51:22 2019 7 ----- NSB2_074.las ----- Wed May 1 10:51:42 2019 8 ----- NSB2_075.las ----- Wed May 1 10:51:46 2019 9 ----- NSB2_076.las ----- Wed May 1 10:51:49 2019 10 ----- NSB2_077.las ----- Wed May 1 10:51:51 2019 11 ----- NSB2_087.las ----- Wed May 1 10:52:13 2019 12 ----- NSB2_088.las ----- Wed May 1 10:52:16 2019 13 ----- NSB2_089.las ----- Wed May 1 10:52:18 2019 14 ----- NSB2_090.las ----- Wed May 1 10:52:20 2019 15 ----- NSB2_100.las ----- Wed May 1 10:52:38 2019 16 ----- NSB2_101.las ----- Wed May 1 10:52:41 2019 17 ----- NSB2_102.las ----- Wed May 1 10:52:41 2019 18 ----- NSB2_103.las ----- Wed May 1 10:52:42 2019 19 ----- NSB2_111.las ----- Wed May 1 10:52:46 2019 20 ----- NSB2_112.las ----- Wed May 1 10:52:46 2019