----------Vertical Accuracy Report---------- The Fundamental Vertical Accuracy value (FVA) is the NSSDA result of the open terrain or 'bare earth' class. The Supplemental Vertical Accuracies are typically not normally distributed and the xth percentile (typically 95th) result should be checked for the SVA result of each non open terrain/'bare earth' class. The Consolidated Vertical Accuracy (CVA) is also non-normal (all land cover classes combined) and the xth percentile for the All Points result should be used to report this value. 51 control points were tested for the FVA class The Minimum change in Z of the FVA class is -0.105999998748 Meters The Maximum change in Z of the FVA class is 0.125 Meters The Range of the change in Z for the FVA class is 0.230999998748 Meters The Average change in Z for the FVA class is -0.00533333349535 Meters The Standard Deviation of the change in Z distribution for the FVA class is 0.0577205913534 Meters The Skew of the change in Z distribution for the FVA class is 0.182981338578 The Kurtosis of the change in Z distribution for the FVA class is -0.584866431665 The RMSEz of the FVA class is 0.0574002119585 Meters The NSSDA AccuracyZ (=RMSEz*1.96) of the FVA points is 0.112504415439 Meters at the 95% Confidence Level The 95th Percentile Value for the FVA class is 0.104000002146 Meters 6 control points were tested for the Forested class The Minimum change in Z of the Forested class is -0.0590000003576 Meters The Maximum change in Z of the Forested class is 0.115000002086 Meters The Range of the change in Z for the Forested class is 0.174000002444 Meters The Average change in Z for the Forested class is 0.0448333347837 Meters The Standard Deviation of the change in Z distribution for the Forested class is 0.0714154522031 Meters The Skew of the change in Z distribution for the Forested class is -0.54305831444 The Kurtosis of the change in Z distribution for the Forested class is -1.62709467873 The RMSEz of the Forested class is 0.0791212154874 Meters The NSSDA AccuracyZ (=RMSEz*1.96) of the Forested points is 0.155077582355 Meters at the 95% Confidence Level The 95th Percentile Value for the Forested class is 0.109500002116 Meters 9 control points were tested for the URBAN class The Minimum change in Z of the URBAN class is -0.16099999845 Meters The Maximum change in Z of the URBAN class is 0.054999999702 Meters The Range of the change in Z for the URBAN class is 0.215999998152 Meters The Average change in Z for the URBAN class is -0.0266666663293 Meters The Standard Deviation of the change in Z distribution for the URBAN class is 0.0769122873747 Meters The Skew of the change in Z distribution for the URBAN class is -0.536878083174 The Kurtosis of the change in Z distribution for the URBAN class is -1.26915711914 The RMSEz of the URBAN class is 0.077261461273 Meters The NSSDA AccuracyZ (=RMSEz*1.96) of the URBAN points is 0.151432464095 Meters at the 95% Confidence Level The 95th Percentile Value for the URBAN class is 0.138599997759 Meters 22 control points were tested for the Tall weeds class The Minimum change in Z of the Tall weeds class is -0.111000001431 Meters The Maximum change in Z of the Tall weeds class is 0.233999997377 Meters The Range of the change in Z for the Tall weeds class is 0.344999998808 Meters The Average change in Z for the Tall weeds class is 0.0869999999942 Meters The Standard Deviation of the change in Z distribution for the Tall weeds class is 0.0920610567777 Meters The Skew of the change in Z distribution for the Tall weeds class is -0.3633492976 The Kurtosis of the change in Z distribution for the Tall weeds class is -0.78058229723 The RMSEz of the Tall weeds class is 0.125135926086 Meters The NSSDA AccuracyZ (=RMSEz*1.96) of the Tall weeds points is 0.245266415128 Meters at the 95% Confidence Level The 95th Percentile Value for the Tall weeds class is 0.207600004226 Meters 12 control points were tested for the Brush land class The Minimum change in Z of the Brush land class is -0.0299999993294 Meters The Maximum change in Z of the Brush land class is 0.209000006318 Meters The Range of the change in Z for the Brush land class is 0.239000005648 Meters The Average change in Z for the Brush land class is 0.12166666744 Meters The Standard Deviation of the change in Z distribution for the Brush land class is 0.0800560419497 Meters The Skew of the change in Z distribution for the Brush land class is -0.636296907883 The Kurtosis of the change in Z distribution for the Brush land class is -0.94106473255 The RMSEz of the Brush land class is 0.143797310975 Meters The NSSDA AccuracyZ (=RMSEz*1.96) of the Brush land points is 0.281842729511 Meters at the 95% Confidence Level The 95th Percentile Value for the Brush land class is 0.208450005203 Meters 100 total control points were tested The Minimum change in Z of all control points is -0.16099999845 Meters The Maximum change in Z of all control points is 0.233999997377 Meters The Range of the change in Z for all control points is 0.394999995828 Meters The Average change in Z for all control points 0.0313100001263 Meters The Standard Deviation for all control points is 0.0872658422908 Meters The Skew for all control points is 0.319368342121 The Kurtosis for all control points is -0.545102326056 The RMSEz for all control points is 0.0923010835075 Meters The NSSDA AccuracyZ (=RMSEz*1.96) for all control points is 0.180910123675 Meters at the 95% Confidence Level The Consolidated Vertical Accuracy (CVA) at the 95th percentile for the dataset is 0.200350002944 Meters Standard Deviation-Standard deviation is a widely used measurement of variability which shows how much variation or 'dispersion' there is from the average (mean, or expected value). A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be very close to the mean, whereas high standard deviation indicates that the data are spread out over a large range of values. RMSE-For data with an expected normal distribution, the root mean square error (RMSE) is a measure of the differences between values predicted by a model or an estimator and the values actually observed. NSSDA-This is the RMSE multiplied by 1.96 (the 95% Confidence Interval), as required by the FGDC indicates that 95% of the positions in the data set wil have an error with respect to true ground positions that is equal to or smaller than the reported accuracy. Skew--The skewness for a normal distribution is zero, and any symmetric data should have a skewness near zero. Negative values for the skewness indicate data that are skewed left and positive values for the skewness indicate data that are skewed right. By skewed left, we mean that the left tail is long relative to the right tail. Similarly, skewed right means that the right tail is long relative to the left tail. Kurtosis-Kurtosis is measure of how 'flat' or 'peaked' the distribution of a dataset is. The Kurtosis Value given here is specifically known as the 'excessive' kurtosis. This definition is used so that the standard normal distribution has a kurtosis of zero. Thus, an increasingly positive kurtosis indicates a more 'peaked' distribution and an increasingly negative kurtosis indicates a 'flater' distribution. Percentile-where X is the percentile in question, i.e., 95th, the equation gives a value that indicates that 95% of the time, error will be below this value. Conversely, 5% of the time the error will be above this value.