Vermilion and Edgar control Data: Vermilion and Edgar Counties had no additional point type info that was provided along with the x,y,z coordinates. Because of this, the acquisition vendor (Quantum Spatial) does not have a way to provide FVA, SVA and CVA. They were able to provide a standard accuracy assessment on all of the points at once. Each of these counties has significantly less points then the other 4 counties in the district that was collected at or around the same time. So that would make it seem to have come from a different source. Since ISGS and IDOT have no other point type codes available for these two counties (and/or more points), the reports are as-is. Edgar and Vermilion have all points included in their FVA calculation and it should be treated as just a general accuracy calculation since the nature of the points cannot be determined. 3/19/2015 Janet Holden