=============== Process 0 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 6881280,7012352,7077888,7143424,7208960,7274496,7340032,7405568,7471104,7536640,7602176,7667712,7733248,7798784,7864320,7929856,7995392,8060928,8126464,8192000 Started at: 12:09:03 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 6881280 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7012352 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7077888 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7143424 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7208960 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7274496 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7340032 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7405568 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7471104 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7536640 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7602176 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7667712 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7733248 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7798784 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7864320 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7929856 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7995392 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8060928 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8126464 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8192000 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:13 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 1 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 8257536,8323072,8388608,8454144,8519680,8585216,8650752,8716288,8781824,8847360,8912896,8978432,9043968,9109504,9175040,9240576,9306112,9371648,9437184,9502720 Started at: 12:09:03 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 8257536 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8323072 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8388608 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8454144 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8519680 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8585216 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8650752 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8716288 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8781824 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8847360 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8912896 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8978432 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9043968 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9109504 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9175040 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9240576 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9306112 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9371648 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9437184 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9502720 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:13 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 2 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 9568256,9633792,9699328,6881281,6946817,7012353,7077889,7143425,7208961,7274497,7340033,7405569,7471105,7536641,7602177,7667713,7733249,7798785,7864321,7929857 Started at: 12:09:03 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 9568256 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9633792 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9699328 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6881281 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6946817 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7012353 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7077889 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7143425 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7208961 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7274497 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7340033 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7405569 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7471105 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7536641 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7602177 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7667713 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7733249 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7798785 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7864321 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7929857 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:13 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 3 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 7995393,8060929,8126465,8192001,8257537,8323073,8388609,8454145,8519681,8585217,8650753,8716289,8781825,8847361,8912897,8978433,9043969,9109505,9175041,9240577 Started at: 12:09:03 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 7995393 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8060929 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8126465 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8192001 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8257537 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8323073 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8388609 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8454145 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8519681 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8585217 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8650753 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8716289 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8781825 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8847361 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8912897 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8978433 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9043969 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9109505 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9175041 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9240577 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:14 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 4 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 9306113,9371649,9437185,9502721,9568257,9633793,9699329,2,65538,131074,196610,262146,327682,393218,458754,524290,589826,655362,720898,786434 Started at: 12:09:03 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 9306113 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9371649 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9437185 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9502721 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9568257 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9633793 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9699329 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 65538 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 131074 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 196610 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 262146 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 327682 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 393218 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 458754 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 524290 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 589826 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 655362 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 720898 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 786434 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:13 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 5 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 851970,917506,983042,1048578,1114114,1179650,1245186,1310722,1376258,1441794,1507330,1572866,1638402,1703938,1769474,1835010,1900546,1966082,2031618,2097154 Started at: 12:09:03 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 851970 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 917506 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 983042 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1048578 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1114114 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1179650 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1245186 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1310722 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1376258 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1441794 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1507330 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1572866 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1638402 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1703938 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1769474 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1835010 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1900546 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1966082 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2031618 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2097154 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:13 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 6 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 2162690,2228226,2293762,2359298,2424834,2490370,2555906,2621442,2686978,2752514,2818050,2883586,2949122,3014658,3080194,3145730,3211266,3276802,3342338,3407874 Started at: 12:09:03 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 2162690 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2228226 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2293762 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2359298 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2424834 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2490370 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2555906 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2621442 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2686978 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2752514 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2818050 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2883586 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2949122 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3014658 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3080194 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3145730 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3211266 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3276802 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3342338 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3407874 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:13 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 7 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 3473410,3538946,3604482,3670018,3735554,3801090,3866626,3932162,3997698,4063234,4128770,4194306,4259842,4325378,4390914,4456450,4521986,4587522,4653058,4718594 Started at: 12:09:03 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 3473410 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3538946 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3604482 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3670018 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3735554 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3801090 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3866626 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3932162 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3997698 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4063234 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4128770 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4194306 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4259842 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4325378 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4390914 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4456450 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4521986 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4587522 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4653058 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4718594 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:14 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 8 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 4784130,4849666,4915202,4980738,5046274,5111810,5177346,5242882,5308418,5373954,5439490,5505026,5570562,5636098,5701634,5767170,5832706,5898242,5963778 Started at: 12:09:04 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 4784130 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4849666 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4915202 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4980738 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5046274 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5111810 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5177346 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5242882 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5308418 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5373954 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5439490 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5505026 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5570562 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5636098 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5701634 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5767170 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5832706 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5898242 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5963778 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:12 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 9 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 6029314,6094850,6160386,6225922,6291458,6356994,6422530,6488066,6553602,6619138,6684674,6881282,6946818,7012354,7077890,7143426,7208962,7274498,7340034 Started at: 12:09:04 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 6029314 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6094850 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6160386 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6225922 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6291458 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6356994 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6422530 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6488066 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6553602 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6619138 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6684674 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6881282 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6946818 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7012354 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7077890 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7143426 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7208962 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7274498 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7340034 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:14 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 10 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 7405570,7471106,7536642,7602178,7667714,7733250,7798786,7864322,7929858,7995394,8060930,8126466,8192002,8257538,8323074,8388610,8454146,8519682,8585218 Started at: 12:09:04 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 7405570 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7471106 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7536642 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7602178 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7667714 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7733250 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7798786 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7864322 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7929858 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7995394 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8060930 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8126466 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8192002 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8257538 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8323074 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8388610 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8454146 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8519682 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8585218 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:14 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 11 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 8650754,8716290,8781826,8847362,8912898,8978434,9043970,9109506,9175042,9240578,9306114,9371650,9437186,9502722,9568258,9633794,9699330,3,65539 Started at: 12:09:04 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 8650754 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8716290 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8781826 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8847362 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8912898 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8978434 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9043970 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9109506 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9175042 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9240578 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9306114 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9371650 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9437186 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9502722 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9568258 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9633794 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9699330 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 65539 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:13 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 12 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 131075,196611,262147,327683,393219,458755,524291,589827,655363,720899,786435,851971,917507,983043,1048579,1114115,1179651,1245187,1310723 Started at: 12:09:04 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 131075 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 196611 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 262147 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 327683 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 393219 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 458755 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 524291 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 589827 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 655363 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 720899 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 786435 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 851971 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 917507 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 983043 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1048579 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1114115 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1179651 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1245187 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1310723 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:13 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 13 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 1376259,1441795,1507331,1572867,1638403,1703939,1769475,1835011,1900547,1966083,2031619,2097155,2162691,2228227,2293763,2359299,2424835,2490371,2555907 Started at: 12:09:04 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 1376259 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1441795 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1507331 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1572867 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1638403 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1703939 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1769475 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1835011 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1900547 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 1966083 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2031619 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2097155 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2162691 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2228227 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2293763 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2359299 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2424835 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2490371 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2555907 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:13 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 14 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 2621443,2686979,2752515,2818051,2883587,2949123,3014659,3080195,3145731,3211267,3276803,3342339,3407875,3473411,3538947,3604483,3670019,3735555,3801091 Started at: 12:09:04 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 2621443 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2686979 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2752515 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2818051 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2883587 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2949123 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3014659 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3080195 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3145731 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3211267 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3276803 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3342339 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3407875 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3473411 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3538947 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3604483 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3670019 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3735555 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3801091 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:14 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 15 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 3866627,3932163,3997699,4063235,4128771,4194307,4259843,4325379,4390915,4456451,4521987,4587523,4653059,4718595,4784131,4849667,4915203,4980739,5046275 Started at: 12:09:04 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 3866627 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3932163 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3997699 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4063235 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4128771 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4194307 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4259843 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4325379 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4390915 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4456451 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4521987 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4587523 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4653059 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4718595 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4784131 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4849667 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4915203 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 4980739 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5046275 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:14 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 16 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 5111811,5177347,5242883,5308419,5373955,5439491,5505027,5570563,5636099,5701635,5767171,5832707,5898243,5963779,6029315,6094851,6160387,6225923,6291459 Started at: 12:09:04 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 5111811 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5177347 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5242883 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5308419 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5373955 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5439491 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5505027 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5570563 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5636099 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5701635 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5767171 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5832707 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5898243 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 5963779 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6029315 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6094851 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6160387 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6225923 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6291459 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:13 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 17 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 6356995,6422531,6488067,6553603,6619139,6684675,6881283,6946819,7012355,7077891,7143427,7208963,7274499,7340035,7405571,7471107,7536643,7602179,7667715 Started at: 12:09:04 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 6356995 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6422531 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6488067 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6553603 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6619139 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6684675 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6881283 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 6946819 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7012355 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7077891 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7143427 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7208963 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7274499 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7340035 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7405571 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7471107 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7536643 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7602179 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7667715 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:14 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 18 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 7733251,7798787,7864323,7929859,7995395,8060931,8126467,8192003,8257539,8323075,8388611,8454147,8519683,8585219,8650755,8716291,8781827,8847363,8912899 Started at: 12:09:05 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 7733251 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7798787 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7864323 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7929859 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 7995395 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8060931 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8126467 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8192003 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8257539 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8323075 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8388611 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8454147 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8519683 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8585219 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8650755 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8716291 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8781827 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8847363 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 8912899 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:14 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 19 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 8978435,9043971,9109507,9175043,9240579,9306115,9371651,9437187,9502723,9568259,9633795,9699331,9043972,9109508,9175044,9240580,9306116,9371652,9437188 Started at: 12:09:05 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Processing tile: 8978435 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9043971 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9109507 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9175043 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9240579 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9306115 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9371651 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9437187 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9502723 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9568259 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9633795 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9699331 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9043972 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9109508 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9175044 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9240580 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9306116 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9371652 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 9437188 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:09:13 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 8 s ================================================ Started at: 12:08:01 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Ended at: 12:09:27 AM Thursday, May 14, 2015 Total Elapsed time: 1 m 26 s