reporting all LAS header entries: file signature: 'LASF' file source ID: 0 global_encoding: 0 project ID GUID data 1-4: 0 0 0 '' version major.minor: 1.2 system identifier: '' generating software: 'TerraScan' file creation day/year: 192/2012 header size: 227 offset to point data: 229 number var. length records: 0 point data format: 1 point data record length: 28 number of point records: 20555133 number of points by return: 18292035 1951547 303006 8501 44 scale factor x y z: 0.01 0.01 0.01 offset x y z: 0 0 0 min x y z: 422475.92 4886180.33 267.92 max x y z: 425015.57 4889680.07 400.68 the header is followed by 2 user-defined bytes LASzip compression (version 2.1r0 c2 50000): POINT10 2 GPSTIME11 2 reporting minimum and maximum for all LAS point record entries ... x 42247592 42501557 y 488618033 488968007 z 26792 40068 intensity 0 255 edge_of_flight_line 0 0 scan_direction_flag 0 1 number_of_returns_of_given_pulse 1 5 return_number 1 5 classification 1 12 scan_angle_rank -27 23 user_data 0 0 point_source_ID 131 161 gps_time 46386.865182 49754.270761 number of last returns: 18291442 covered area in square units/kilounits: 8651940/8.65 point density: all returns 2.38 last only 2.11 (per square units) spacing: all returns 0.65 last only 0.69 (in units) number of points in header is correct. number of points by return in header is correct. overview over number of returns of given pulse: 16339972 3297401 883703 33837 220 0 0 histogram of classification of points: 972989 Unclassified (1) 11577072 Ground (2) 2579258 Medium Vegetation (4) 398154 Building (6) 1168 Low Point (noise) (7) 213485 Model Key-point (mass point) (8) 4078 Water (9) 1347 Reserved for ASPRS Definition (10) 4807582 Overlap Points (12) bounding box is correct.