=============== Process 0 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 0,65536 Started at: 12:42:23 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 0 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 4 s Processing tile: 65536 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 1 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 131072,196608 Started at: 12:42:23 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 131072 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 4 s Processing tile: 196608 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 2 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 262144,327680 Started at: 12:42:23 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 262144 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 4 s Processing tile: 327680 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 3 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 393216,1 Started at: 12:42:23 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 393216 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 3 s Processing tile: 1 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 4 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 65537,131073 Started at: 12:42:23 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 65537 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 131073 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 5 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 196609,262145 Started at: 12:42:23 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 196609 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 262145 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 6 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 327681,393217 Started at: 12:42:23 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 327681 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 393217 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 7 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 2,65538 Started at: 12:42:23 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 2 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 9 s Processing tile: 65538 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 8 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 131074,196610 Started at: 12:42:23 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 131074 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 7 s Processing tile: 196610 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 9 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 262146,327682 Started at: 12:42:23 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 262146 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 327682 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 10 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 393218,3 Started at: 12:42:23 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 393218 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 3 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 11 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 65539,131075 Started at: 12:42:23 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 65539 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 131075 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 10 s =============== Process 12 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 196611,262147 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 196611 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 262147 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 13 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 327683,393219 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 327683 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 393219 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 14 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 4,65540 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 4 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 65540 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 15 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 131076,196612 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 131076 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 196612 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 16 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 262148,327684 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 262148 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 327684 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 17 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 393220,5 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 393220 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 5 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 18 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 65541,131077 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 65541 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 131077 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 19 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 196613,262149 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 196613 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 262149 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 20 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 327685,393221 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 327685 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 393221 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 21 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 6,65542 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 6 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 65542 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 22 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 131078,196614 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 131078 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 196614 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 23 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 262150,327686 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 262150 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 327686 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 24 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 393222,7 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 393222 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 7 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 25 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 65543,131079 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 65543 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 6 s Processing tile: 131079 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 26 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 196615,262151 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 196615 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 262151 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 27 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 327687,393223 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 327687 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 393223 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 28 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 8,65544 Started at: 12:42:24 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 8 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 65544 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 29 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 131080,196616 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 131080 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 196616 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 30 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 262152,327688 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 262152 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 327688 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 31 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 393224,9 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 393224 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 9 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 32 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 65545,131081 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 65545 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 131081 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 33 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 196617,262153 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 196617 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 262153 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 34 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 327689,393225 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 327689 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 393225 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 35 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 10,65546 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 10 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 65546 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 36 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 131082,196618 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 131082 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 196618 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 37 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 262154,327690 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 262154 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 327690 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 38 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 393226,11 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 393226 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 11 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 39 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 65547,131083 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 65547 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 131083 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 40 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 196619,262155 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 196619 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 262155 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 41 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 327691,393227 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 327691 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 393227 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 42 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 12,65548 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 12 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 65548 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 43 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 131084,196620 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 131084 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 196620 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 44 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 262156,327692 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 262156 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 327692 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 9 s =============== Process 45 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 393228,13 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 393228 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 13 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 46 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 65549,131085 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 65549 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 131085 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 1 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 47 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 196621,262157 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 196621 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 262157 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 48 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 327693,393229 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 327693 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 393229 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 49 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 14,65550 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 14 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 65550 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 50 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 131086,196622 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 131086 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 196622 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 51 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 262158,327694 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 262158 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Processing tile: 327694 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 52 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 393230 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 393230 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 53 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 15 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 15 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 54 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 65551 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 65551 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 55 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 131087 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 131087 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 8 s =============== Process 56 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 196623 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 196623 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 7 s =============== Process 57 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 262159 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 262159 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 7 s =============== Process 58 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 327695 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 327695 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 7 s =============== Process 59 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 393231 Started at: 12:42:25 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Processing tile: 393231 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 5 s Ended at: 12:42:33 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 7 s ================================================ Started at: 12:42:22 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Ended at: 12:42:44 AM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Total Elapsed time: 21 s