RasQC using GDAL: 3.3.2 Raster Properties Summary Output run time: 4 seconds =============================================== File Format Counts: A count of how many files occur in the given file format. GeoTIFF : 35 ---------------------------------------------- NoData Values Set/Not Set in Header: A count of how many files have a NoData value set or not set in their header information. NoData Set in Header: 35 NoData Not Set in Header: 0 ---------------------------------------------- Set NoData Values Found in Header: The NoData value used in file headers and a count of files for every value used. Formatted as: value : Number of files -999999: 35 ---------------------------------------------- Suspect Values Found Below -9999: -9999 is the minimum elevation value input by a user. The tool will look for any values within the dataset that are below the min. value set, as these would be suspicious. Files with Suspect Cell Value(s) Present: 0 ---------------------------------------------- Suspect Values Found Above 15000: 15000 is the maximum elevation value input by a user. The tool will look for any values within the dataset that are below the max. value set, as these would be suspicious. Files with Suspect Cell Value(s) Present: 0 ---------------------------------------------- Suspect Cell Values (less than -9,999) Present: If values were found below -9,999 this will show with all files with a suspect value. Formatted as : File N/A ---------------------------------------------- Suspect Cell Values (more than 15,000) Present If values were found above 15,000 this will show with a count of files for each value. Formatted as : File N/A ---------------------------------------------- CRS Info Counts: CRS Info found from the 34737 tag (if present) and the file count if more than one was used. Second line is whether or not the GDAL derived WKT is well formed and will transform to nad83. CRS Info String ---------------------------------------------- Count NAD83(2011) / Oregon GIC Lambert (ft) + NAVD88 height (ft) - Geoid12B (ft)||NAD83(2011)||ESRI PE String = COMPD_CS["NAD83(2011) / Oregon GIC Lambert (ft) + NAVD88 height (ft) - Geoid12B (ft)",PROJCS["NAD83(2011) / Oregon GIC Lambert (ft)",GEOGCS["NAD83(2011)",DATUM["NAD83 (National Spatial Reference System 2011)",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","1116"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6318"]],PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP"],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",43],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",45.5],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",41.75],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-120.5],PARAMETER["false_easting",1312335.958],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["foot",0.3048,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9002"]],AXIS["X",EAST],AXIS["Y",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6557"]],VERT_CS["NAVD88 height (ft) - Geoid12B (ft)",VERT_DATUM["North American Vertical Datum 1988",2005,AUTHORITY["EPSG","5103"]],UNIT["foot",0.3048,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9002"]],AXIS["Up",UP],AUTHORITY["EPSG","8228"]]]||NAVD88 height (ft) - Geoid12B (ft)|| Is a valid projection string and WILL tranform to NAD83. : 35 ---------------------------------------------- Spatial Reference Unit Counts: The unit used within the spatial reference and a count of files using this unit. foot : 35 ---------------------------------------------- Spatial Reference Datum Counts: The datum information found in the file and a count of files using this datum. NAD83_National_Spatial_Reference_System_2011 : 35 ---------------------------------------------- Horizontal EPSG Counts: If a horizontal EPSG code is found it is listed here with a file count. EPSG6557 : 35 ---------------------------------------------- Vertical CS Counts: The Vertical Coordinate System used within a file and a count of files using this unit. NAVD88 height (ft) : 35 ---------------------------------------------- Pixel Type Counts: The pixel type of a cell determines the range of values that a raster file can store. This value is shown along with a count of files using this value. Float32 : 35 ---------------------------------------------- Compression Type Counts: The file compression type of a raster, if used, and the count for each value. None : 35 ---------------------------------------------- Minimum Elevation Value: The minimum elevation value found across all files. 4178.94 ---------------------------------------------- Maximum Elevation Value: The maximum elevation value found across all files. 5426.18 ---------------------------------------------- Ground sample counts: Ground sample distance of the raster and a count for each value found. (3.000000,-3.000000) : 35 -------------------------------------------------- DEM/LPC Tile Differences: A list of all tiles present in DEMs but NOT in LPC. Tile Name LPC/DEM Tile Differences: A list of all tiles present in LPC but NOT in DEM. Tile Name -------------------------------------------------- File Manifest: A list of all files used across to generate this report. File Number ----- Filename ----- Last Modification Time 0 ----- s16320w06510.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:13 2021 1 ----- s16260w06840.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:06 2021 2 ----- s16650w06510.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:28 2021 3 ----- s16290w06600.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:09 2021 4 ----- s16650w06480.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:28 2021 5 ----- s16380w06510.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:18 2021 6 ----- s16260w06780.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:06 2021 7 ----- s16500w06510.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:24 2021 8 ----- s16290w06630.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:09 2021 9 ----- s16350w06510.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:16 2021 10 ----- s16230w06780.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:02 2021 11 ----- s16680w06510.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:29 2021 12 ----- s16260w06750.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:06 2021 13 ----- s16560w06510.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:26 2021 14 ----- s16620w06480.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:27 2021 15 ----- s16710w06510.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:30 2021 16 ----- s16260w06690.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:05 2021 17 ----- s16590w06480.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:27 2021 18 ----- s16410w06510.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:20 2021 19 ----- s16290w06690.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:09 2021 20 ----- s16320w06540.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:13 2021 21 ----- s16320w06600.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:13 2021 22 ----- s16590w06510.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:27 2021 23 ----- s16260w06810.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:06 2021 24 ----- s16260w06720.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:05 2021 25 ----- s16230w06810.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:02 2021 26 ----- s16440w06510.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:22 2021 27 ----- s16500w06480.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:24 2021 28 ----- s16620w06510.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:28 2021 29 ----- s16530w06480.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:25 2021 30 ----- s16320w06570.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:13 2021 31 ----- s16290w06570.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:09 2021 32 ----- s16560w06480.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:26 2021 33 ----- s16470w06510.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:23 2021 34 ----- s16290w06660.tif ----- Fri May 28 17:44:09 2021