=============== Process 0 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 0,65536,131072,196608 Started at: 7:32:11 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 0 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 65536 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 131072 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 196608 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 1 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 262144,327680,393216,458752 Started at: 7:32:11 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 262144 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 327680 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 393216 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 458752 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 2 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 524288,589824,655360 Started at: 7:32:11 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 524288 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 589824 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 655360 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 3 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 720896,786432,851968 Started at: 7:32:11 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 720896 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 786432 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 851968 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 4 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 1,65537,131073 Started at: 7:32:11 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 1 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 65537 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 131073 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 5 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 196609,262145,327681 Started at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 196609 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 262145 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 327681 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 6 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 393217,458753,524289 Started at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 393217 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 458753 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 524289 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 7 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 589825,655361,720897 Started at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 589825 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 655361 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 720897 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 8 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 786433,851969,2 Started at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 786433 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 851969 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 2 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 9 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 65538,131074,196610 Started at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 65538 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 131074 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 196610 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 10 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 262146,327682,393218 Started at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 262146 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 327682 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 393218 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 11 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 458754,524290,589826 Started at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 458754 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 524290 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 589826 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 12 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 655362,720898,786434 Started at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 655362 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 720898 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 786434 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 13 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 851970,3,65539 Started at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 851970 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 3 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 65539 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 14 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 131075,196611,262147 Started at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 131075 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 196611 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 262147 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 15 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 327683,393219,458755 Started at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 327683 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 393219 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 458755 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 16 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 524291,589827,655363 Started at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 524291 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 589827 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 655363 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s =============== Process 17 ================ Tile List (Density Verification Virtual Tiles): 720899,786435,851971 Started at: 7:32:12 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Processing tile: 720899 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 786435 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Processing tile: 851971 Total Elapsed time for the tile: 0 s Ended at: 7:32:13 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 1 s ================================================ Started at: 7:32:11 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Ended at: 7:32:31 AM Friday, October 11, 2019 Total Elapsed time: 19 s