Sanborn Map Company - Baltimore City LIDAR Project - 2008 The LAS files contained on this hard drive are ASPRS version 1.1. The following LAS classes have been populated: '0' - 'Created' - These points are only in tile 4n-4w and are comprised of a gridded building surface where there was a minor sliver gap in LIDAR coverage. Elevations are derived from adjacent building LIDAR returns. '1' - 'Unclassified' - These points are made up of all above-ground LIDAR returns. '2' - 'Ground' - These points are made up of ground LIDAR returns as depicted by a set of automated ground extraction algorithms followed by manual editing. '7' - 'Low Points' - These points are made up of outlyer, or noisy data. '12' - 'Overlap' - These points are made up of LIDAR returns in overlapping areas between adjacent scans. The Arc Grids contained on this hard drive were generated from the LAS ground points and are 32-bit floating point, 1 meter pixel.