----------SVA Landcover Class Report---------- For USGS LiDAR Base Specification Projects each landcover type representing 10% or more of the total project area must be tested and reported as a Supplemental Vertical Accuracy. Bare Earth Comprises 5.18952904858% of Landcover for this Project. Tall Weeds & Crops Comprises 26.9084268325% of Landcover for this Project. Brushlands & Low Trees Comprises 14.2080470205% of Landcover for this Project. Forested Areas Fully Covered by Trees Comprises 44.9407440314% of Landcover for this Project. Urban Areas with Dense Man Made Structures Comprises 1.369300823% of Landcover for this Project. Open Water Comprises 0.874941791179% of Landcover for this Project. Swamp, Marsh, or Wetlands Comprises 6.50901045287% of Landcover for this Project.