LasQC Summary stats ================================================== Las Versions Versions ------- Count 1: 1.300000000000000 594 -------------------------------------------------- PDR Formats Format ------- Count 1: 3 594 -------------------------------------------------- Adjusted GPS Flag Flag ------- Count 1: True 594 2: False 0 -------------------------------------------------- WKT Flag Flag ------- Count 1: False 594 -------------------------------------------------- Spatial Reference Systems 1 different SRS found. Spatial References ----------------------------------- Count 1: EPSG: 6543 : 594 Well Known Text 1 different WKTs found. WKT ---------------------------------------------- Count 1: Las format is not 1.4 : 594 SRS will not transform to NAD83 and is not well formed. Error finding WKT Format. Format Unknown. -------------------------------------------------- Generating Software Software -------------------------- Count 1: LP360 from GeoCue Group Inc. 581 2: las2las (version 190927) 13 -------------------------------------------------- System ID System ID ------- Count 1: OTHER 581 2: LAStools (c) by rapidlasso GmbH 13 -------------------------------------------------- Point count vs actual number of points (only 1.4 files) Matches ----- Count 1: True 594 -------------------------------------------------- Point/Hdr Count Agree/Disagree: Point/Hdr count agrees: 0 Point/Hdr count disagrees: 594 -------------------------------------------------- Ret Count Agree/Disagree: Ret count agrees: 594 Ret count disagrees: 0 -------------------------------------------------- Scan Angle Rank Min/Max: Min Scan Angle Rank: -24 Max Scan Angle Rank: 24 -------------------------------------------------- Scan Direction Flag formats: 0:xxx : 0 xxx:0 : 0 xxx:xxx : 594 -------------------------------------------------- Intensity Min/Max: Min Intensity: 3 Max Intensity: 255 -------------------------------------------------- GPS Time Min/Max: Min GPS Time: Mon Feb 17 14:49:34 2014 Max GPS Time: Fri Mar 14 16:23:34 2014 -------------------------------------------------- 1.4 Contains no Legacy Points: True -------------------------------------------------- Classification values used: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (9) (10) (11) (13) (14) (17) (18) (19)